For your information, the VSC Board of Trustees has scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Audit & Risk Management Committee, and the Education Personnel & Student Life (EPSL) Committee. The Board and/or Committees may, if circumstances warrant and it so votes, enter into Executive Session during the meeting.
Meetings will be held at the Stearns Performance Center, Vermont State University Johnson Campus on Monday, October 28, 2024. The Audit Committee will begin at 9:30 a.m., the EPSL Committee will begin at 11:00 a.m., and the Board of Trustees meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m.
The board assistant may be reached at (802) 224-3021 for any questions.
To make a public comment please, sign up here: and be present at the meeting. You may also raise your hand when public comments are requested.