High school counselors are essential partners helping Vermont high school students successfully make their way to college. From our annual School Counselor Breakfasts and college fairs to our extensive offerings for high school students to earn college credits, the VSCS offers high school counselors a multitude of resources.
How can I learn more about admissions to the VSC?
Our admissions directors are happy to discuss how you can share the benefits of our colleges with your students. Call or email today for information on taking a campus tour, obtaining information to share with your students, and answering any questions you may have.
Community College of Vermont:
Adam Warrington, Admissions Director
(802) 654-0543
Vermont State University:
Maurice Ouimet, Vice President for Admissions and Enrollment Services
(802) 468-1352
How do I refer a student for Dual Enrollment courses or Early College?
There are many options for high school students to attend college while still in high school. Learn more and , or the program.
What do VSCS colleges have to offer my students?
The Vermont State Colleges are the local, accessible, affordable choice for Vermont students. With small class sizes, expert faculty, and the most beautiful setting in the country (we’re biased), your students will benefit from the personal touch, community connections, and sense of place that only a Vermont public institution can provide.
If you have any questions, please contact: info@VSC.edu or 802-224-3000.